Functional Fitness is a classification of training that prepares the body for real life movements and activities.
Movement such as squatting, reaching, pulling and lifting will be made easier with functional fitness integrated into your exercise routine.
These include strength, balance, coordination, power, range of motion and mobility.
Movements such as walking, jogging, running, sprinting, jumping, lifting, pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, turning, standing, starting, stopping, climbing and lunging, will all be made easier while training to improve functional strength.
With any new type of exercise, it’s important to start at a beginner’s pace and ease into it. If functional fitness sounds like something you are interested in, it’s important to consider the method in which you will be completing these exercises and the experience that of the instructors that are teaching you. Velocity Instructors have over 20 years of experience in fitness mechanisms and strength.
Functional Fitness training can be specific to your weak areas which have been identified. We can tailor your workouts in the class to work on these areas, supervised to give you the maximum training input.
Just some of the equipment we use in the Functional Fitness class be seen below with some of our members using them
Functional Fitness is a monthly membership of £20. This gives you access to two classes per week.
Fridays 6pm and Mondays 7pm.
8 Classes per month. You can come to all of them or some of them. The choice is yours. Just turn up.
Members do not need to book on this class. They can just turn up to any of them. Two classes per week would really boost your fitness and strength.

The Assault Bike
The Assault Bike is the ultimate tool for a more custom and powerful training experience. It offers high intensity, low impact cardio training that is totally scalable according to your fitness. It has an onboard computer with pre set training programs to enhance your workout.

The Torque Tank
The Torque Tank is controlled by magnetic resistance. The resistance lever give you three levels to work with. Level one being the easiest and level three being the hardest intensity to push.
This is an all round strength trainer because of the multiple and diverse ways that the tool can be used to build muscle.
Sled training enhances cardiovascular endurance, muscle building and will work every muscle in your body.
We use this equipment outside our facility when the weather allows over a 60 metre area.

Battle Ropes
Not only is the Battle Ropes a cardiovascular exercise but also a strength workout because of the weight of the rope. It is all about speed and power which means it really gets your heart rate up. It simultaneously allows you to work resistance and cardio together for an all over workout.

The Leg Press
The leg Press allows you add as much weight as you desire. It shapes and strengthens your hamstring muscles and improves flexibility and endurance. It is a good and safe choice for people with back and knee issues. It is easy and safe to use and gives you the option to add more weight as your leg muscle develop. As the instructors about foot placement to work different quad muscles.

Farmers Walks
The Farmers Walk is a movement in which a weighted bar in each hand is dead lifted from the floor and carried over distance.
It provides a full body workout, targeting quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, erectors, upper back, traps, lats, abs, biceps, triceps, forearms and hand grip. Basically a full body workout.

The Squat Rack
The Squat is the King of all exercise due to its simplicity, functionality and benefits to all over strength. The Squat is a strength exercise in which you lower your hips from a standing position and stand back up again with the desired weight. As you become stronger you can increase your weight.

Class Layout
You can expect all of the equipment to be out at Functional Fitness classes. The Studio will have the main overall cardio v resistance workouts, such as the Kettlebells, Step, Battle Rope etc. The main gym is where all of the weights and Powerlifting equipment can be found. Outside is where we take the equipment to have an overall distance, like the Torque Tank and Farmers Walks. It’s good to get outside when it is not raining.
Due to space and safety we can only ever have 15 people on membership at any time. We have a waiting list and if you want to be added to the waiting list, please send an email.